Tag: npr
A (Cat’s) Grief Observed: Understanding the Gulf that Separates Us from Our Pets
The gap between the human mind and the cat mind doesn’t turn on emotions but on abstractions.
Meyer with NPR’s Alan Campbell: Explaining the Intelligibility of Nature
“Increasingly,” says Dr. Campbell, “what was once known as the God hypothesis is resurging in serious scientific debate.”
Is Life After Death Incompatible with Physics?
In 2011, Sean Carroll wrote an essay on why — from a science perspective — our minds must be extinguished at death
Lessons from the Evangelical Debate About Adam and Eve
The standard evolutionary account of human origins holds that our population has always been in the thousands and humanity did not descend from an initial pair.
Darwinism Paved the Way to Our Perilous Cultural Moment
The year so far has delivered a stunning lesson in the fragility of freedom and of civilization.