Tag: null hypothesis
With One Short Rule, Philip Ball Explains Why “Junk DNA” May Be a Placeholder for Ignorance
Here is Ball’s proposed rule for molecular biologists: “stop assuming,” he writes, “we know which parts of DNA matter and which don’t.”
On Origin of Life, “Stated Clearly” Has Clearly Misled Viewers
Jon Perry may be a proponent of methodological naturalism, which constrains science to consider only natural causes, regardless of the scientific evidence.
Evolutionist Claims ChatGPT “Lies About Junk DNA”
A null hypothesis, such as expecting the absence of function in non-coding DNA, reveals a presupposition that biases one’s interpretation of the evidence.
Reality Check: Has Science Explained the Origin of Life?
Imagine you wanted someone who hasn’t the faintest idea what a book is to make a book from scratch.