Tag: On the Origin of Species
Shawn Otto and the “War on Science”
If evolutionary theory is so fundamental to medical research, why has no evolutionary biologist ever won a Noble Prize in physiology or medicine?
What Ever Happened to Darwin’s Big Book?
Why didn’t Darwin publish the evidence for his momentous theory? And why was his thesis hailed as one of the greatest ideas in science despite that fact?
With “Fluctuating” Convictions, Darwin Faced a Threefold Challenge
In what follows I pose the question of how Darwin fell subject to such wide “fluctuations” in his beliefs and how he came to resolve those tensions.
An Ape with Evolution on His Mind
“Are you familiar with the concept of evolution?” asks the ape leader who is bent on raising himself to the level of the human.
Darwin’s Bluff Is a Number 1 New Release on Amazon!
Charles Darwin seems never to have been with honest with himself about the fact that his big book about the actual evidence for his theory could not be written.