Tag: origins of life
“Suspect Science”: Stephen Meyer and James Tour Bring Clarity on the Origin of Life
Helpfully, Meyer stops Tour again and again and asks for clarification of scientific terms and concepts that might not be obvious to all viewers.
“Safe to Question” — Another Graduate of Summer Seminars on Intelligent Design Shares Her Story
Discovery Institute is populating a community of dissenters in academia with the annual all-expenses-paid Summer Seminars.
The Problem with Arguments from “Unintelligent Design”
An absurd false dilemma.
More News Sources Admit the “Mystery” of Life’s Origin
It’s time for a little reality check here: origin-of-life theorists need to explain how a myriad of complex proteins and features arose and self-assembled into a self-replicating life-form by unguided processes.
Does the Chemistry of the Cell Point to Its Origin in Darwin’s “Warm Little Pond”?
There is no evidence that the authors of a recent paper in PNAS have accurately described the environment in which the first cells formed.