Tag: orthodoxy
Quiz: Is This a Prediction from the Tree of Life?
Conservation of function, but not genes, can be understood with an analogy to natural language. Consider two sentences.
New Course on Evolution Challenges Group-Think with Scientific Skepticism
Consider spending the time — 40 lessons with accompanying quizzes to check your progress — to weigh the evidence for yourself.
Science Journal Recognizes the Reality of COVID Censorship
A peer-reviewed article uncovers how medical professionals were silenced for their views on the pandemic.
Darwin, Lyell, and a Tale of Two Faiths
Darwin found himself in the unhappy position of having his faith undermined by what he saw as the non-directed processes of geological and biological evolution.
Phillip E. Johnson: Gandalf Has Gone to the West
Phillip E. put it this way: “Take the ring to Mount Doom where only a miracle will save you and see.” This is one of the key lessons he taught me: dare to win.