Tag: physicians
The Machine Model in Medicine
The unfortunate fact is, there really are those two conflicting sides in medicine.
A Physician’s Sacred Duty — To Care or to Kill?
As a hospice and palliative care physician for over twenty years, Dr. Howard Glicksman regularly cares for terminally ill patients.
Medicine’s “Sacred Space” — Grossly Violated
When my dad was dying, I saw both sides of the healthcare world, one that fought to save a life and the other that was coldly indifferent, even eager to end it.
Life Devalued: Suicide and Infanticide in Classical Antiquity
Nick Vujicic’s story would probably have turned out quite differently if he had been born in ancient Greece or Rome.
How We Balance Water and Sodium to Maintain Life
On their own, the laws of nature don’t tend toward life. To stay alive, living things utilize ingenious solutions.