Tag: Plato
Mathematics and the God Hypothesis
There is a classical proof of God’s existence that uses universal concepts such as mathematics, proposed most prominently by St. Augustine.
Nature Divinized: Darwin’s Goddess for All Seasons
Some modern archaeologists have even gone so far as to claim that the archetype of the Great Mother has been a mythic universal.
In His New Book, Denton Shows How Science Leads the Charge to Theism
In his new book, Michael Denton is particularly strong on what he terms “the post-Copernican delusion of mankind’s cosmic irrelevance.”
Muslims Should Be Natural Allies of Intelligent Design
I have been invited to speak at many Islamic Centers throughout the United States and Canada over the last ten years.
The Enlightenment (Re)turn to Atomism
What distinguished thinkers had long called out for its manifest absurdity was now, Phoenix-like, rising from the ashes.