Tag: podcast
Irreducible Complexity in Bacterial Cell Division
Ready to dip a toe in the ocean of biological ingenuity? Dr. Jonathan McLatchie is back.
Is Vitalism Making a Comeback?
Vitalism is the age-old idea that living things possess a vital force — some fundamental element that generally does not exist in non-life.
How to Promote Intelligent Design in Your Local Community
Daniel Reeves, our Director of Education and Outreach, introduces Roots, a network of grassroots supporters.
What’s Next in the Search for Habitable Worlds?
Are we common or rare? You can be on either side of the question and still be excited about the search for habitable planets capable of harboring life.
Casey Luskin Reflects on His Recent Junk DNA Debate
For decades we were told that non-coding regions of our DNA are littered with evolutionary junk.