Tag: policy
Normalizing Assisted Suicide Will Lead to a Duty to Die
Come on, Granny! Time to swallow the pills. We need your money to send Junior to college.
Another Prestigious Science Journal Conflates Science with Politics and Pushes for Technocracy
If anything is a “war on science,” it is publishing ideological articles like this in what is supposed to be a science journal.
John West: C. S. Lewis and the “Human Fallibility of Science”
The spirt or psychology of the day gives us the science we wished for. This makes it highly fallible, and potentially dangerous.
Life and Limbaugh: The Design Perspective
The idea that life is designed entails a radically different attitude compared to the materialistic understanding that life splashed ashore on Earth by chance.
Remembering Senator Slade Gorton
Some will submit that his kind are gone, but I know that they are still around, because he helped get them there.