Tag: Prague
From Intelligent Cause to Intelligent Design: My Debt to Charles Thaxton
It is my privilege and honor to recommend this fascinating autobiography — which is also perhaps the least I can do to repay a friend and mentor.
The Darwinian Regime Can’t Hide Emerging Clues to Life’s Design
When you live with an ideology long enough, it can take root in your mind and have a lasting effect.
A Watch on a Heath — But What a Watch!
Recently I had the opportunity to see Prague’s famed astronomical clock, the oldest still-working astronomical clock in the world. It is truly phenomenal.
The Masks of Prague
They have taken on the masks of their former taskmasters and let their heritage stand empty, though thankfully not yet in ruins.
Good Question for the Next Darwinist You Meet
Or ask the next theistic Darwin-appeaser who soothes us with the assurance that there is nothing terribly corrosive about the evolutionary perspective.