Tag: Precambrian strata
Fossil Friday: New Study Challenges the Artifact Hypothesis
It is time for Darwinists to stop their science denial and face the fact that empirical data consistently contradict core predictions of their theory.
In Resolving Darwin’s Doubt, These Cambrian Fossils Are No Help
This is hierarchical organization, none of which is seen in the Precambrian layers beneath.
Taphonomy Study Shortens Fuse for the Cambrian Explosion
The “molecular clock” must be wrong, a study concludes. Cambrian animal ancestors are not there in the fossil record as hoped.
Evolutionists Spin the Cambrian Explosion — But Alas, All in Vain
Fossils are great; the more the better. Experience from spectacular discoveries assures us that no surprises will change Charles Darwin’s own cause for doubt.
Darwin’s Top 10 Arguments Against His Own Theory
In its youth the flat-fish is symmetrical with one eye on each side. However, as the body matures, one eye “begins to glide slowly round the head.”