Tag: premiere
New Science Uprising Episode Asks, “Just How Bad Is the Fossil Record for Darwin’s Theory?”
The fossil record is not a good match with Darwinian thinking, but it makes a strong pairing with intelligent design.
New Episode of “Long Story” Tackles the Origin of Life — Live Premiere on August 17
According to a bedtime story popular with materialists, unguided forces alone can explain the coming into existence of the very first cell.
Tonight — The Paradigm Project, at 7 PM Pacific Time
It’s intelligent design in a new and personal light, as I’ve indicated already. Join us for a live parallel discussion with ID scientists.
New “Long Story” on Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance — Premiere and Live Chat, November 12
“But what about bacterial antibiotic resistance!” This is one of the stock attempts to rebut arguments against the creative potential of unguided evolution.
Meet Aleš Hrdlička, FDR’s Favorite Eugenicist
Darwin-inspired eugenics and racial pseudoscience are like some sort of insidious, and hideous, household pest.