Tag: proteins
On Fantasy in Modern Science
An attribute of a good sci-fi story is that it should open new vistas for the imagination while, at the same time, not requiring the reader to put up with the preposterous.
Polar Bear Seminar: The APOB Gene and Damaging Mutations
Michael Behe correctly interpreted a paper by Liu et al. and followed its methodology, whereas his critics, Lents and Hunt, did not.
Thanks, Professor Lenski, the LTEE Is Doing Great!
Lenski agrees that the beneficial mutations seen in his Long Term Evolution Experiment are overwhelmingly degradative or loss-of-function ones.
A Response to My Lehigh Colleagues, Part 3
Perhaps the evidence for the vast scope of Darwin’s theory really isn’t as strong as biologists over the years have been telling each other.
A Response to My Lehigh Colleagues, Part 2
Lang and Rice cite a number of articles to show that loss-of-function mutations are just a small minority of those found in studies of organisms.