Tag: psychology
What’s at Stake in the Debate over Darwinism?
We know that Darwinian evolution has a long and sordid history of entanglement with issues of race, racism, and eugenics.
Milton and the Psychology of Materialism
It is basically the denial of human exceptionalism. That is, it is hatred of man, in practically every way imaginable.
How Did Religion “Evolve”?
It’s telling that one kind of evolution always seems to be missing from these “theories” about the evolutionary origins of religion.
Why an Evolutionist Disses Evolutionary Psychology
Darwinian fairy tales about prehistoric Neanderthal proclivities and modern psychology are obvious junk science.
To Intimidate Scientists, No Stalin Is Required
Many scientists face abuse and threats from an outraged minority who want there to be a biological basis for chronic fatigue syndrome.