Tag: Purpose and Desire: What Makes Something “Alive” and Why Modern Darwinism Has Failed to Explain It
What Evolution “Controversy”? Scott Turner Gets High Praise from Quarterly Review of Biology
If you want to know what scientists themselves think about the current status of evolutionary theory, you have to look behind the curtain.
How Scott Turner Evolved
Turner is a really interesting case of a scientist who straddles design and evolutionary thinking.
Biologist Scott Turner: What Is Life? And Other Simple Questions
The picture of life that biologist Scott Turner sketches in his recent book is remarkable, and not easy to fully take aboard in your mind.
Under Materialism, No Meaning to Life — and No Life, Either
Biologist Scott Turner’s spot-on phrase, the “Reverse Pinocchio,” captures the idea well.
In Purpose and Desire, Scott Turner Argues that Cognition Is Foundational to Life
The evidence of purpose and design permeate life at every level, and this evidence presents ever increasing challenges to all theories of undirected evolution.