Tag: quizzes
Understanding “Information” — A Key to the Intelligent Design Debate
With reading assignments and quizzes, this course is a great way to polish your skills in explaining ID without suffering a spade-shoveling mishap of your own.
Axe: Why Darwinists Hope You Don’t Know Math
Mathematics has been at the foundation of modern challenges to neo-Darwinism, while those challenges are met mostly with handwaving.
New Video Course with Stephen Meyer on Design Science Offers Hope and Stimulation
Many have asked what or whom proponents of intelligent design nominate as the source of the purpose and design that courses through life and the weave of the whole cosmos.
If Only Michael Behe Taught a Course on Intelligent Design…
Wait a minute, he does! It’s “Michael Behe Investigates Evolution and Intelligent Design” from Discovery Institute’s DiscoveryU.