Tag: ribosomes
DNA Repair and the Origin of Life: Here’s the Problem
Perhaps out there, watching along with you, is another Professor Dan Stern Cardinale who is imagining how easy it’s going to be to take this one apart.
Systems Biology Cracks Life’s Engineered Intricacies — A Report from CELS
The cherished evolutionary story of whales’ “vestigial” pelvic bones joins the growing pile of discredited icons of evolution.
To Understand Nature’s Intentionality, We Must Go Back to the Future
It required the truly inimitable intellect of Aquinas to Christianize and modernize what Aristotle had said 1,600 years before him.
Mimesis and the Reception of Intelligent Design Theory
Natural selection can’t work until there is something functional enough to select, and without guidance it cannot happen.
Why Knockouts and Deletions Are Insufficient for Inferring Function — The Mystery of Cell “Vaults”
The other day, UPS brought me a copy of Larry Moran’s new book. Moran is a well-known opponent of intelligent design.