Tag: Richard Lenski
Biologist: It’s “Racist” to Invite Condemnation of Racism
Organizers of the St. Louis World’s Fair believed human zoos would “shed light on the theory evolved by Darwin as regards the evolution of the human race.”
Darwin’s Genie: Misapplied Natural Selection Continues
“Natural selection” is like a Swiss Army knife that researchers in widely different disciplines use to solve their problems.
Viral Video Overstates the Evidence About Bacterial Evolution
Richard Lenski claims that his experiment provides “one of the most direct demonstrations of Darwinian adaptations by natural selection you can imagine.”
Biologist Dustin Van Hofwegen Punctures Claims for Lenski’s Long-Term Evolution Experiment
Perhaps the biggest evolutionary development in the course of the experiment involved some bacteria beginning to feed on citric acid.
Iconoclast: Farewell to Tom Bethell
I remember having an exchange with Tom about the meaning of his last name, which seems to correspond to the Biblical place name Beth El, meaning “House of God.”