Tag: Rick Santorum
No, Copernicus Did Not Remove Us from the Hub of the Universe
The significance of the earth and humanity, or our insignificance, does not hinge on age or “central” location.
Washington Post Columnist Endorses Teaching the Evolution Controversy
“Introducing a contrary theory like intelligent design and having students discuss its differences from Darwinism would enliven the class. It would also teach the scientific method.”
Darwinist Smarty Catches Us
We’ve got another hot tip for him, too.
Rick Santorum, the Santorum Amendment and Intelligent Design
Most Americans support the Santorum Amendment’s approach to teaching evolution. A backgrounder on Rick Santorum and Intelligent Design is now available.
On the Origin of Mitochondria: Reasons for Skepticism on the Endosymbiotic Story
Endosymbiotic theory essentially maintains that mitochondria arose by virtue of a symbiotic union of prokaryote cells.