Tag: Robert Fitzroy
With “Fluctuating” Convictions, Darwin Faced a Threefold Challenge
In what follows I pose the question of how Darwin fell subject to such wide “fluctuations” in his beliefs and how he came to resolve those tensions.
Fact Check: Imagining Darwin’s Abolitionism
Desmond and Moore tell us that Darwin assured his sisters that his principles on slavery hadn’t changed despite spending five years living with Captain FitzRoy.
Darwin, Lyell, and a Tale of Two Faiths
Darwin found himself in the unhappy position of having his faith undermined by what he saw as the non-directed processes of geological and biological evolution.
Cancel Darwin? No, But Do Recognize How Evolution Boosted Racism
Cancel culture is becoming surreal. Or should I say even more surreal? “Exotic birds” are now judged to be offensive. What next?
Cancel Darwin? No, But Do Recognize How Evolution Boosted Racism
Cancel culture is becoming surreal. Or should I say even more surreal? “Exotic birds” are now judged to be offensive. What next?