Tag: Robin Collins
Robin Collins’s “Fine-Tuning for Discoverability” Argument
In November 2000 we each presented at the “Science and Evidence for Design in the Universe” symposium at Yale University.
Three Ways to Formulate the Fine-Tuning Argument: An Introduction
At the heart of fundamental physics are the laws of nature. These laws govern the interactions between fundamental particles.
Here Is What We Mean by Intelligent Design (And What We Don’t)
Some ID supporters agree with universal common descent, but many ID supporters argue against the idea that all life shares a common ancestor.
Understanding Design Arguments: An Introduction for Catholics
What ID denies is that every feature of nature is the product of natural forces all the way down. This commitment is necessarily shared by Catholics.
Top Six Evidences for Intelligent Design
Here is a modest attempt to summarize the main scientific evidences for design in our world, for those who have been told that such evidence does not exist.