Tag: robotics
The Universal Optimal Design of Vertebrate Limbs
When we look at feats of human engineering, like vehicles, skyscrapers, and computers, we don’t doubt our intuition that they’re intelligently designed.
Fitness Landscapes Demonstrate Perfection in Vertebrate Limbs Resulted from Intelligent Design
These observations present two dire challenges to undirected evolutionary models.
In Some Science Contexts, “Emergence” Really Means “We Don’t Know How”
The word often permits the improbable to be considered probable for the purposes of sounding like science without providing any.
Ant Navigation Fascinates Engineers
Eric Cassell asks, “How did these complex programmed behaviors originate?” The question deserves a better answer than, “They evolved.”
Is the Human Ankle Badly Designed?
Stuart Burgess, one of Britain’s top engineers, explains how the skeletal joints in the human body are masterpieces of intelligent design.