Tag: Rosenhouse’s Whoppers (series)
Rosenhouse’s Whoppers: An Appeal to Sanity
I’ll close with a story. My wife used to set up psychiatric units across the U.S.
Rosenhouse’s Whoppers: Probability Theory Is Irrelevant
If you deny that probabilities apply to a physical process, you’ve abjured science — you no longer have a scientific theory.
Rosenhouse’s Whoppers: Seeing Patterns in Biology Is Like Seeing Dragons in the Clouds
Since the flagellum gets so overused in the debate between ID and Darwinism, let’s change the system. Consider the leaf hopper.
Rosenhouse’s Whoppers: The Environment as a Source of Information
Take a simple example, one that Rosenhouse finds deeply convincing and emblematic for biological evolution.
Rosenhouse’s Whoppers: Appealing to the Unwashed Middle
Rosenhouse’s book is objectively bad. It purports to be a critique of mathematics as used by ID proponents and of my mathematical work in particular.