Tag: scientific literature
Defending Our Literature Survey on Function for Junk DNA
Our list only scratches the surface of the literature, and you can’t negate the existence of that body of literature through a few complaints.
Reflections on Casey Luskin’s Debate with “Dr. Dan”
I commend Dr. Dan for being an amicable dialogue partner and for his good faith attempt to engage substantively with the relevant scientific issues.
Luskin: Book Banning? Woke Forces Know All About That; They Practiced on Us
“Those 49 words — suggesting that students consult a library book if they wanted to learn more about a scientific idea — were too much for the thought police.”
FAQ: The Cambrian Explosion Is Real, and It Is a Problem for Evolution
An email correspondent who is friendly to intelligent design (ID) recently wrote us asking how to respond to common objections to ID arguments about the Cambrian explosion.
Luskin: The “Big Bang” of Human Origins
That there would be something unique about human origins isn’t what you would expect based on evolutionary assumptions.