Tag: Scopes Monkey Trial
New Course on Science and Christianity Beginning Soon with Melissa Cain Travis
Special attention will be given to long-enduring myths and misconceptions that underpin the so-called “warfare thesis.”
Coming Soon to DiscoveryU: Live Courses on Science and Christianity
The pilot course, Science and Christianity I: A Historical Exploration, begins on July 10 and will be the first in a three-part module taught by yours truly.
Understanding Design Arguments: An Introduction for Catholics
What ID denies is that every feature of nature is the product of natural forces all the way down. This commitment is necessarily shared by Catholics.
Neil Thomas: Darwin, Aquinas, and the Origin of Life
Thomas and radio host Hank Hanegraaff discuss the fossil record’s challenge to Darwinism, Gould and Eldredge’s rescue attempt, and more.
Intelligent Design and Natural Theology
How just is the imputation of “neo-creationist” tendencies to members of the intelligent design community?