Tag: Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence
Richards to Aliens: We’ll Show You Our Perfect Solar Eclipses if You’ll Show Us Yours
Jay Richard had a really fun and interesting conversation with Sean McDowell about the new updated edition of his book with Guillermo Gonzalez.
Building a Better Definition of Intelligent Design
Definitional change in science is par for the course: As paradigms shift because of scientific advances, textbook definitions change.
Artificial Intelligences Promises to Level the Playing Field for Intelligent Design
To set the stage, I posed some questions about scientific testability in general and about the testability of the SETI research program.
Leveraging the Design Inference for Effectively Falsifying Data
The academy raises generation after generation of inept data falsifiers who embrace the foolish naiveté that their shenanigans are immune to discovery.
Using Intelligent Design to Train ChatGPT to Lay Aside Bias
This exchange from yesterday underscores the need for “prompt engineers” that know how best to use and direct ChatGPT.