Tag: Seattle
Science as a Jealous God — Free Weekend Conference in Seattle for College Students
January 30 is the deadline to apply for this important, enlightening, and fun event, organized by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI) and held in Discovery Institute’s offices.
BioLogos and the Search for Truth
Exactly how have the viewpoints at BioLogos been amended? Like a summer’s day in Seattle, it’s a bit cloudy — at least on the most interesting points.
#7 of Our Top Stories of 2019: Three Nobel Endorsements for Marcos Eberlin
This is the refrain of the book: “It is all or death!” “All or nothing!” Half-solutions are no solutions at all.
Phillip E. Johnson: A Lucky Ice Storm
My fondest memory of Phil is from a few days we spent together in the early 2000s.
Jay Richards at COSM Talks Ray Kurzweil and Strong AI
Is the “singularity” coming, as Kurzweil argues there and elsewhere, when machines equal and then quickly surpass human intelligence?