Tag: self-organization
Let’s Throw Mathematical Light on the Origin of Life
If researchers really were making progress, wouldn’t that mean they would be converging on the same truth? Yet they are not.
Will Evolution’s New Synthesis Be Hard or Soft Magic?
Let’s try holding some new scientific theories to the standards of the fantasy genre.
An Evolutionary Theorist Plays with Words; Let’s See How Far It Gets Him
Francis Heylighen’s “ontology of relational agency” starts with an interesting observation.
Dembski and Ruse Look Back on 20 Years of Debate — And a Special Anniversary
The protest about the “spectre of intelligent design” was telling. When critics start talking that way, you can’t help wondering if ID is onto something.
Chatting with ChatGPT about Intelligent Design and the Origin of Life
This study raises the interesting question of the interplay between trained biases in ChatGPT and the ability to coax this AI to transcend those biases.