Tag: self-replication
Why Cell Division Challenges Darwinism
The eukaryotic cell cycle is just one of the many biological systems and processes that could not have arisen by numerous, successive, slight modifications.
Engineered Elegance: Checkpoint Pathways of the Cell Cycle
One of the most incredible features of cellular life is the capability of self-replication.
Richard Dawkins’s Unlikely Nemesis
Leading the charge against the model is — of all people — one of Dawkins’s own doctoral examiners at Oxford, the renowned physiologist Denis Noble.
What Is the Essence of Life?
The strength of the intelligent design explanation for life lies in its full-orbed ability to address all aspects of life.
Astrophysicist: “We Do Not Yet Know How, Where, or Why Life First Appeared”
It’s good to find another scientist — with no connections to intelligent design — who sees the issue so clearly.