Tag: Signature in the Cell
The New Rallying Cry: “Intelligent Design Is Dead!”
Help! Some leading Darwinists have cooked up a pot of al dente fettuccini noodles and they are cruelly flogging us with it.
From the Darwinist Blogosphere, Stephen Meyer’s Trip to London Elicits a Typical Reaction
Molecular genetics professor Robert Saunders was sent an invitation which he accepted, though he didn’t turn up for the event. However he decided to blog about it anyway.
At First Things, Ferment over Intelligent Design
We’ve long enjoyed and admired the important ecumenical journal First Things, founded and still inspired by a great man, the late Fr. Richard John Neuhaus.
Welcomed by Lord Mackay, Meyer Speaks in London to Centre for Intelligent Design UK
In Britain it can be no less dangerous to publicly voice sympathy for ID than it is in the United States.
The Uncivil Style of Intelligent Design Critics
I’m going to let ENV readers in on a little secret: When many of us in the intelligent design (ID) movement read the arguments coming from our critics, we’re surprised at their low quality and style.