Tag: Silicon Valley
Origin of Life Challenge: $10 Million, Just Lying Around
This is an obvious way to judge such theories. If someone claims to know how to make something, the natural response is, “Let’s see it, then.”
Artificial General Intelligence: Destroying the Idol
Even those doing the most to build and publicize the AGI idol do not wish it on their children.
Listen: Carbon Valley Trumps Silicon Valley
“Nobody doubts that natural selection and random mutation is a biological process. What we doubt is that they can generate fundamentally new forms of life.”
Detecting Malicious Intent in Undisputed Design
Within clearly designed objects, malicious intents can lurk. Intelligent design theory handles those, too, and should.
“Poor Design”? Human Versus Biological Invention
Let’s compare the most ingenious technological inventions — from Silicon Valley, for example — with the inventions inscribed in carbon in “simple cells.”