Tag: Sisyphus
Rosenhouse’s Whoppers: Appealing to the Unwashed Middle
Rosenhouse’s book is objectively bad. It purports to be a critique of mathematics as used by ID proponents and of my mathematical work in particular.
Is Intelligent Design a Science Stopper?
Consider a box with an internal divider such that the box is divided into two separate compartments, A and B.
On the “Sisyphean Evolution of Darwin’s Finches”
Scientific data are followed by the myth: “Finch beak morphology observed on the Galápagos Islands was used by Darwin to formulate his theory of evolution.”
Galápagos Finches and a Surprising Deletion
How could the authors suddenly do this? Some of the following points may be considered.
Trapped in the Naturalistic Parabola
You may have noticed a strange loop which arises spontaneously in many sectors of the intelligent design debate.