Tag: Skeptic Magazine
Harvard Molecular Geneticist Vindicates Michael Behe’s Main Argument in Darwin Devolves
Mainstream evolutionary biologists are independently arriving at very similar conclusions to Behe’s central thesis.
Phillip E. Johnson (1940-2019), Some Reflections
I want to underscore Phil’s pivotal role in organizing disparate voices critical of Darwinism and convinced of design in nature into a cohesive community.
Muller Two-Step Model: A Refutation of Behe on Irreducible Complexity?
Our responses to the Muller two-step have been around for a long time; it would be nice if ID critics would recognize and perhaps answer them.
In His Latest Review of Behe’s Darwin Devolves, Nathan Lents Misses the Forest for the Trees
Evolutionists now increasingly believe that major adaptations are driven by neutral mutations.