Tag: Soviet Union
War on Math Becomes a Fight Over Textbooks
At some point, it might be reasonable to ask, why is religion forbidden while politics is allowed to invade everything?
40 Years Ago: Solzhenitsyn’s Prophetic Warning — and Meyer’s Counterpoint of Hope
Citing Dostoevsky, Solzhenitsyn stressed the need to be intellectually prepared to meet the challenge of atheism. That preparation requires a choice.
Stephen Meyer: Totalitarian Dystopias and the God Hypothesis
The insight is timely, given the two-year anniversary of lockdowns that we’ve recently observed.
Luskin at The Federalist — Freedom Is Threatened; Now Will You Listen?
Critics of Darwinian theory have faced exactly such a campaign — not just recently but going back a couple of decades.
Recognizing the “Transformative” Impact of Barzun’s Darwin, Marx, Wagner, Eighty Years Later
Literary critic M. D. Aeschliman sketches the intellectual evolution that connects Barzun with later Darwin critics. The latest is Stephen Meyer.