Tag: speciation
Does Barcoding DNA Reveal a Single Human Ancestral Pair?
I don’t think the study can claim all the things it does based on the evidence they have.
Peppered Hares — An Emerging Evolutionary Icon
Some hares turn white in winter where it’s snowy, but remain brown in winter where it’s mild. What does that have to do with Darwinian evolution?
Finch Varieties in New Guinea Undercut Iconic Galápagos Finch Story
Finches on another island “would leave even Charles Darwin scratching his head.” But do they “help solve an evolutionary puzzle”?
Big Bird — Evolution’s “Smoking Gun”?
Against the backdrop of research of Princeton’s Peter and Rosemary Grant, Darwin’s finches are among the most hyped illustrations of evolution in action.
“Cookies on the Bottom Shelf”: Interrogating Jonathan Wells
We celebrated the release of Jonathan Wells’s new book Zombie Science: More Icons of Evolution last month at Seattle’s Woodland Park Zoo.