Tag: Stephen Dilley
New Paper on the Panda’s Thumb: “Striking Imperfection or Masterpiece of Engineering?”
“If the panda’s thumb is an embodiment of bad design, where are the evolutionists’ proposals indicating how they could have done better?”
The Panda’s Thumb: An Extraordinary Instance of Design?
Optimizing a structure can sometimes come at the cost of certain design constraints.
The Incompatibility of Evolution and Design
Though Dr. Rope Kojonen acknowledges the design of the flagellum, he credits a rigged evolutionary process with its creation.
Can the Laws of Nature Design Life? Emily Reeves Considers the Compatibility of Evolution and ID
As an example, Dr. Reeves describes how the law of gravity interacts with a growing plant.
Can Evolution and Intelligent Design Work Together in Harmony?
Or is that wishful thinking? Casey Luskin concludes his conversation with philosopher Stephen Dilley about a recent proposal.