Tag: Stephen Meyer
Remembering Jonathan Wells, a Key Figure in the Intelligent Design Movement
When I spoke to Jonathan about the cost he paid in standing for his principles, he remarked that his decision to do prison time contained a blessing.
Stephen Meyer and Ben Shapiro on the Origin of Life
Dr. Meyer explains how the OOL field reached an impasse by the 1980s as chemists learned just how thorny the origin of life problem really was.
The Plant That Can Mimic Other Plants
If it can’t see, how does it copy the leaves of any one of a number of plants growing nearby?
Stephen Meyer and Ben Shapiro on Intelligent Design
The pair discuss the different meanings of the word “evolution” before Meyer gets into one of Darwin’s biggest doubts.
Atheist on the Ropes: Piers Morgan Confronts Richard Dawkins About ID and Stephen Meyer
There’s something wonderful about watching Dawkins being compelled to watch Stephen Meyer and then being obliged to respond.