Tag: students
Equip Students with the Truth About Evolution
Do you know what young people are learning about their origins and place in the universe?
Now Registering: High School Chemistry with an ID Twist
But isn’t learning online a lonely experience? It can be, but not this class! Discovery Institute Academy’s High School Chemistry course is synchronous.
The 2024 Summer Seminar on Intelligent Design Could Be the Highlight of Your Year!
There’s an eye-opening trend in the applicant pool that we’ve observed over the past few years — it’s an exciting trend but it has an upside and a downside.
Summer Seminars Create the Next Generation of Intelligent Design
Jacob Butschek, one of our 2023 international seminar students, shared his story with me. “Theism gets hammered by society and universities,” he says.
Profound Impact of the Summer Seminars on ID — Application Deadline March 31
The program, to be held at the spectacular Glen Eyrie Castle in Colorado, is intended primarily for undergrads and graduate students.