Tag: students
Here’s How to Use Precious Family Time, Wisely
Despite their sometimes-nonchalant attitudes as they try to act cool, children do care what their parents think.
Where’s the Rigor? A Report from the Seattle AAAS Meeting
Ultimately, Discovery Institute’s Science Education Policy is about sharpening students’ ability to interact critically with ideas in science.
Textbooks Still Misrepresent the Origin of Life
After 2000, some textbooks were corrected, but in many cases the corrections were minor and the books continued to perpetuate the misrepresentations.
Bring “Visible Thinking” to Evolution Education
This work reminds me strongly of the Center for Science & Culture’s emphasis on analysis, evaluation, and examining the evidence in public school evolution education.
Where Science and Faith Meet: Westminster Conference, April 3-4, in Philadelphia
Parents and educators might feel it’s the safest way to take shelter from claims by scientists and other academics that are thought to engender cynicism and to undermine faith.