Tag: telescopes
It’s Black Friday: Get Your New ID-Themed Calendar!
New this year is Wondrous Water, a calendar featuring gorgeous water photography.
The Heavens Declare: Looking Forward to 2021
As to evidence for intelligent design, my impression has long been that the ancients gave more weight to the stars than to their own bodies.
Introducing Our “Scientists Say” Collection
Many products at our Zazzle store feature direct quotations from renowned scientists calling attention to remarkable features of the natural world.
For Mankind, the Leap from Copper to Iron Was a Landmark Advance
The importance of metals, particularly iron, and the importance of the discovery of metallurgy can hardly be exaggerated.
Applied Intelligent Design: Engineers Know Engineering When They See It
The adhesive properties of gecko toe pads, based on atomic van der Waals attraction, have been understood for years now.