Tag: The Conversation
Search for Habitable Planets Is a Design Detection Exercise
The extent of habitable space within all space can serve as a determinant of the plausibility of naturalism vs intelligent design.
Fine-Timing as Evidence of Intelligent Design
Sometimes it’s not just the tuning that indicates design. Sometimes it’s the timing as well.
Secrets that Give Sea Lions and Jellyfish Their Edge as Swimmers
The world’s best human designers are attempting to build machines to mimic what these animals “naturally do.
Another Attempt by an Esteemed Cosmologist to Avoid a Cosmic Beginning Collapses on Inspection
Roger Penrose, one of the preeminent physicists of our day, envisions that the universe is eternally expanding.
Fossil Follies from Around the Science Literature
Evolutionary anthropologists will have to drastically revise the timeline of the first human arrivals in North America.