Tag: The Myth of Junk DNA
Farewell to Jonathan Wells, Iconoclastic Scientist
His work resulted in forcing textbook publishers to correct their own work, a task they and their media enablers bitterly resented.
New Course on Evolution Challenges Group-Think with Scientific Skepticism
Consider spending the time — 40 lessons with accompanying quizzes to check your progress — to weigh the evidence for yourself.
New DiscoveryU Course: Jonathan Wells Takes an Objective Look at the Evidence for Evolution
The notion that knowledge must reject mind as a casual factor in origins studies is a materialist presumption — not science.
More Jobs for “Junk” DNA
It turns out the mouse endogenous retrovirus L (MERVL) is essential for embryogenesis, according to a recently published article.
Pseudogenes Are Going the Way of Darwin’s “Rudimentary Organs”
Long described as useless leftovers of evolution, pseudogenes are rising from the junk pile as functional entities.