Tag: The Origin of Species
Darwin on Trial — As Fresh and Relevant as Ever
Because of Phillip Johnson’s leadership no informed person will ever again honestly say that Darwin’s theory flows straight from the data.
An Unintended Endorsement of Marcos Eberlin’s New Book, Foresight
Some reviews that try to make a book look bad are so ill-informed and malicious that they actually make a good book look better.
Déjà Vu at National Review
Some guy once wrote that there’s nothing new under the sun. He must have had political conservatives’ pro-Darwin arguments in mind.
Zombie Science: Darwin’s Theory Feeds on Raw Materialism
Most of us think of science as the enterprise of seeking truth by formulating hypotheses and testing them against the evidence. This is empirical science.
Humans Are Not Evolving into Mermaids
Darwinists assert that humans are undergoing natural selection, too. Therefore, evolution is a fact.