Tag: transgenderism
In U.S. and Europe, Gender Ideology as “Settled Science” Is Crumbling
In the U.S., an increasing number of states are passing laws or guidelines to protect children from potentially irreversible and life-shattering outcomes.
Dallas Conference: What Does “The Science” Really Say about Faith?
This year’s conference, February 17 and 18, will tackle subjects we haven’t explored before, including archaeology, transgenderism, and tech addiction.
End of the Road for Radical Individual “Re-Creationism”? Not So Fast
Transableism is a relatively new term for what is known as BIID, for “body integrity identity disorder.”
Eugenics Movement Presents Remarkable Historical Parallels with “Gender-Affirming Care”
Pushing trans theory on young children, molding their brains before they’ve reached the age of consent, is hardly giving them a free choice.
Jonathan Wells: A Story of Heartbreaking Evil from Texas
How will our culture look back on this period of madness, once we get beyond it, as one hopes we will do soon?