Tag: University of Otago
What’s Driving Darwin’s Driverless Car?
What drives natural selection? Evolutionary forces. What are evolutionary forces? They’re what drive natural selection.
Praise for Behe’s Latest: “Facts Before Theory”
Says Michael Denton, “The book represents a devastatingly brilliant unanswerable response to his Darwinian critics and to the whole Darwinian worldview.”
Care for Appetizers? Electric Proteins, Spidey Sense, and More
Welcome to the second day of the New Year! Like tasty sliders, these short news stories should get the juices flowing for big developments in 2020.
Ants, Wildebeest, Penguins, and More: A Zoo of Animal Designs
Don’t kick sand in the face of a wildebeest by joking that it looks like it was made by a committee. It might flex its muscles and charge.