Tag: University of Rochester
Fossil Friday: No, Magnetic Field Collapse Did Not Trigger the Emergence of Animals
This adds to the many points of fine-tuning that make Earth a privileged planet that can uniquely sustain life.
Leveraging the Design Inference for Effectively Falsifying Data
The academy raises generation after generation of inept data falsifiers who embrace the foolish naiveté that their shenanigans are immune to discovery.
“Lived Experience” Is Science’s Blind Spot
They are right about the dead ends. But is it true that the dead ends result merely from ignoring human experience?
What the Big Bang Theory Tells Us About Creation
The universe did not begin with a cosmic snow globe, or an accident at the CERN accelerator. It had to begin with Georges Lemaître’s “Cosmic Egg.”
Design on Time — Paley’s Watch Was Inside Him
Watches are everywhere on the heath. Look up, look down, look inside; biology runs on time.