Tag: Unlocking the Mystery of Life
Up from Dawkins: Summer Seminars Were a Turning Point for Me
I wanted to determine whether I was, as Richard Dawkins asserted, an accident of nature. Or was I created by God?
A Microbiologist’s Journey to Intelligent Design
Scott Minnich shares how he first learned about ID, met philosopher of science Dr. Stephen Meyer, and eventually became involved in a well-known documentary.
Information and Life’s Origin — A Retrospective View
Unguided natural processes, according to the generalized Second Law, cannot systematically increase the information content of a closed system over time.
The Evolution of Dr. Ann Gauger
The year was 2004. Dr. Gauger’s scientific credentials had caught the eye of Stephen Meyer and he had invited her to come talk with him.
Yes, a “Host of Machines” Are at Work in the Cell
Here are more cellular machines to dazzle us with their moving parts and functions.