Tag: utilitarianism
About Those “Synthetic Embryos”
I have no problem with this work in mice. But the scientists want to take this technology into human experimentation.
Darwin’s Rhetorical Foundation of Sand: Theological Utilitarianism
Evolutionary theory, argued in the way that Darwin and many of his followers argue the case, is fundamentally theology-based.
Stephen Meyer: The Evidence “Cries Out” for God, Not the Other Way Around
I have heard ID dismissed as “apologetics,” with the implication of proponents in search of evidence to support a conclusion to which they’re pre-committed.
Dawkins: “Wise and Sensible” to Abort Babies with Down Syndrome
I have rarely seen a more vivid illustration of the lethal consequences of utilitarian thinking.
The Jack Kevorkian Plague
The pathogen I mean is a cultural pandemic, the embrace of doctor-prescribed suicide and of administered homicide.