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Journalist Tom Bethell Puts to Rest the “I’m Not a Scientist” Dodge
My wife was complaining to me today that I don’t podcast enough. Hah! Here’s a new episode of ID the Future.
March for Science Gets “Hijacked” by Partisanship
If science ever becomes conflated in the public mind with left-wing advocacy, it will profoundly harm that crucial sector.
Biologist Ann Gauger: Apoptosis (Cell Death) Is an Enigma for Darwinism
Sarah Chaffee and Discovery Institute biologist Ann Gauger have been conducting a multipart conversation about the cell.
Tom Bethell on Mind, Matter, and Self-Defeating Darwinism
The assertion of materialism, which is the foundation of Darwinian theory, runs headlong into what we know about our own inner lives.
See the Trailer Now — Meet Tom Bethell, Author of Darwin’s House of Cards
As Fred Barnes of The Weekly Standard says, Bethell “writes like a dream,” which captures my sentiment.