Tag: wheels
Intelligent Design in Action: Mars Archaeology
A new scientific research field began when intelligently designed artifacts started appearing on a lifeless planet.
Mice Can’t Do Calculus but Their Brains Can
Neuroimaging and mathematics showed that a simple Stop! signal in the brain would not allow a mouse to stop as quickly as it in fact did.
The Positive Case for Intelligent Design in Systematics (the Relationships Between Organisms)
The re-usage of highly similar and complex parts in widely different organisms in non-treelike patterns is best explained by the action of an intelligent agent.
The First “Simple” Self-Replicator?
Let’s imagine trying to design something as “simple” as a self-replicating cardboard box.
Making Predictions Against Design
From back when I was a sophomore taking biochemistry, one particular event stands out in my memory, perhaps because it was such an odd thing.